3D Printer Repair Service

Can we repair your printer? The answer is simple: yes. Our service can repair circuit components by swapping and replacing them. We have 12 years of experience in electronics repair, so we are very capable and able to surpass your requirements. Many 3D printer owners are very capable of using printers but sometimes find it challenging to repair them. We are here to make sure you can keep your hobby and business running smoothly. All repairs come with a six-month guarantee. If required, we can modify circuits to suit our needs. Most recently, we have been converting a lot of printer motherboards from Micro USB to USB C. This keeps the printer current with evolving connection standards. Normal swap and replace service will require a turnaround of 1-3 weeks depending on component availability with our suppliers. Circuit repairs are dispatched in 1-2 weeks depending on our component suppliers. Please contact us for more information, prices, and lead times.